Monday 17 June 2024

COL: Data Collection - Observations and Surveys

Once I had identified my line of inquiry for my target group in reading, I went about collecting more data. Data was collected via observations and surveys. 

Observations: I continued to make observations of student behaviour and engagement in class towards their learning and towards others. In order to get a better picture of what was happening in terms of student engagement in class, I recorded 3 videos during literacy. They were each about an hour in length. I quickly skimmed through the video footage and made notes about how often students were on task during literacy class when they were not with the teacher for guided reading. I was not surprised to find that many students were busy talking to their friends or looking away from their chromebook, which meant that their literacy tasks were not getting done. This gave me an idea about which students needed to sit away from other students. It was interesting to notice that some of the quieter girls in class, who often went under the radar, were wasting quite a bit of learning time.

Surveys: I created a survey for my students in order to capture some of their feelings and attitudes towards reading and attending literacy class. I discovered that 66% of students did not read at home, and for the other 44%, it was their mother that usually listened to them read and not their father. Many of them did not spend any time reading at home for a variety of reasons. Some of the reasons included not having any books at home, spending time gaming, being busy with their family or being too tired. 75% of students did not read any books during the school holidays. 

When students were asked what they thought the 3 main things were that they needed to do to help them get better at reading, none of them chose the option to ‘read more often during my free time.’ The three top responses were to: 

  • Try their best to understand what the story was about

  • Read more often in class

  • Stay away from distractions (e.g. people who talk too much)

Monday 20 May 2024

COL: Inquiry Focus

 I have decided to focus on 3 key areas in my literacy programme for my COL Inquiry:

  1. Student Engagement

  2. Vocabulary Building

  3. Extended Discussion

This was based on my data, observations, surveys, hunches and the needs of the target students in my literacy class. It was also based around a need in Team 5 (Year 7 & 8) that was identified and addressed by our Team Leader, Mr Wiseman. 


Student Engagement: I noticed that this was a big issue during literacy lessons. Students appeared to be engaged in their learning most of the time when they were in a guided reading group session with the teacher. However, I noticed that many students were off-task or quite noisy when they had to work independently. For many students, tasks were not being completed on time.

Vocabulary: I noticed that students often lacked an understanding of unfamiliar or challenging vocabulary when asked for the meaning of the word during a running record or PROBE test. The use of a range of precise words was also often lacking in e-AsTTle writing samples. Analysis of data collected from STAR Tests also identified vocabulary as an area that needed attention. 

Extended Discussion: This has been a focus for Manaiakalani for a while now. It is an area of focus in Team 5 this year. I made an attempt to introduce and implement extended discussion sessions as part of my literacy programme earlier in the year, however, I know that I have not done it justice. Extended discussion provides an opportunity for students to develop their critical thinking, communication, listening and oral language skills. 

Monday 13 May 2024

Feedback to Staff re: NZEI Pasifika Fono 2024

 On Monday at the staff meeting, those of us who attended the NZEI Pasifika Fono presented our findings to the rest of the staff. We talked about the four main themes from the Fono: Identity, Language, Digital Spaces and Va. We also shared some of our main takeaways from some of the workshops that we had attended. Next years Fono will be held in Wellington. 

Tuesday 7 May 2024

COL - Responses to my Hunches

During one of our COL meetings, we were asked to share our hunches with our colleagues and take note of some of the feedback provided. I also added some of my findings and thoughts regarding my hunches.

Hunch One: If I find or create texts to help older students who struggle with reading, it will motivate them to read more

It is difficult to find texts suitable for older students who struggle with reading. Some of the online websites that do provide texts that may be suitable require a subscription and fee. I tried to find free online reading programmes that are suitable for older students, but they cost money (e.g. Reading Doctor online, Story Shares, High Noon books etc). Instead I will utilise free access at school to Literacy Planet which has good reviews and Read Theory (another free online reading programme). Possibly try some comic books and other types of genres that are of high interest.

Hunch Two: If I create an interesting literacy programme/activities, then it will keep students motivated and on task when they are not with me

When students are easily distracted it is hard for them to stay on task. I may need to provide rewards or ask the students what they want to learn about. I need to provide opportunities for more ‘choice’ for students. What will this look like? How to keep them motivated and engaged? Look at the literature around student engagement. Review the current literacy programme and make changes e.g. class layout, and decide who sits with who.

Hunch Three: If I can find a way to motivate students, then they will read more often (mileage)

I need to ask the students what motivates them to read. I need to find ways to encourage more reading mileage e.g. buddy reading or rewards. Other ways could include involving parents, creating an attractive reading corner, sending books home to read etc.

Hunch Four: If I can focus on improving behavioural and cognitive engagement, my students will improve their ability to focus and improve their reading skills.

I need to identify exactly how many students are off task or focused and how often. I need to identify which students are able to articulate their thinking. Strategies are needed to focus on improving student engagement in class. Strategies are also needed to improve student’s higher order thinking skills and communication skills.

Tuesday 30 April 2024

COL - Developing a Hunch

Here were some of the issues that I had identified with my literacy class through surveys and observations:

1. Students were wasting a lot of class time when they were not with the teacher
2. There was not enough reading mileage happening for students
3. The reading programme needed to be used more effectively to enhance writing
4. Students needed strategies to deal with distractions
5. It was difficult to find suitable texts to motivate older students who struggled with reading

An important stage when undertaking an inquiry is developing a hunch. The idea is that a hypothesis is a tentative answer to our research question that has not yet been tested.

How to formulate? The simplest way is to use this form: if...then…
For example: “If I encourage my students to write for real reasons, then they will be motivated to write.”

Before arriving at our next COL meeting we had to generate at least 3 hunches to share with our colleagues.

Hunch One: If I find or create texts to help older students who struggle with reading, it will motivate them to read more

I find that it is not very engaging or interesting for older students to read books targeted for younger readers. Unfortunately, when older students are well behind with their reading levels, then generally the texts are quite basic and do not really appeal to older students.

Hunch Two: If I create an interesting literacy programme/activities, then it will keep students motivated and on task when they are not with me

I have noticed that when students are with me during guided reading sessions, most are quite engaged and focused on reading. However, I have noticed that many of the other students in the class tend to be off task and do not complete enough of their learning tasks on time.

Hunch Three: If I can find a way to motivate students, then they will read more often (mileage)

One of the results from the student survey showed that students were not spending enough time reading. Much of the focused reading for students seemed to occur during guided reading sessions with the teacher.

Hunch Four: If I can focus on improving behavioural and cognitive engagement, my students will improve their ability to focus and improve their reading skills.

Student engagement is a big issue in my classroom, especially among many of the boys in my class. I think that if they were provided with strategies to improve their levels of engagement, then it will help them to stay more focused in class.

Sunday 28 April 2024

NZEI Pasifika Teachers Fono 2024 - Day 1

 During the first week of the school holidays, I had the privilege of attending the NZEI Pasifika Teachers Fono. It was held over two days at Waipuna Conference Centre in Mt Wellington. This is a slideshow sharing some of my highlights during the first day. I attended with Ms Va'afusuaga, Mrs Ilaoa, Ms Teleso, and Mrs Sio. Mrs Tele'a also attended. I am very grateful to our school and Board of Trustees for helping to subsidise the cost of the conference. 

Thursday 25 April 2024

COL - Spiral of Inquiry


Spiral of Inquiry Model

This is an image of the spiral of inquiry model developed by Timperley, Kaser and Halbert (2014). It is a framework for improving teaching and learning, and is based on the idea of continuous inquiry. Educators gather evidence, analyse it, and make informed decisions. There are six main stages: scanning, focusing, developing a hunch, learning, taking action and checking.

I will be using this model to help develop and implement an intervention to improve reading outcomes for my students.

Professor Graeme Aitken wrote an article titled ‘How to undertake Teaching as Inquiry’(Education Hub). He states that ‘teaching as Inquiry is one of the most powerful forms of teacher learning and is a vital strategy to improve student learning.’ I am at the ‘developing a hunch’ stage at the moment.