For children they feel both the fear of failure and success.
Tri-Une Brain
Turning fear into fun - students who laugh more learn more! Its ok not to know or to fail
Frontal lobe is part of brain we are trying to influence.
Higher order thinking to emotional to lower order
If children are hungry they can not learn - can’t do higher order thinking if they are under stress
Turning fear into fun - students who laugh more learn more! I
When asking kids questions don’t just stop at the right answer, keep encouraging them to answer.
Say thank you and encourage participation.
Be non-judgemental and build a safe classroom environment so that they give their ideas
Manage impulsivity - encourage students to take time to think
Give students enough time to think - at least 7 to 10 seconds (pause time)
Think, pair, share - helps to clarify ideas
Need to teach children how to listen.
Listening and understanding with empathy.Listening sequence: Pause, paraphrase, Probe (inquire and clarify).
How to hang on to an idea - repeat a key word or idea in head, connect with what is being said to a similar experience, visualise what is being said. In a noisy environment - need to lean in more, focus on face, maybe lip read. Speaker can slow down speech.
When you really listen there are values e.g. respect, curiosity, etc
Teaching oral language is extremely important. When teachers use great language in context, children will learn it. Use language of thinking e.g. compare, predict, analyse.
Metacognition: Think aloud problem solving (TAPS). Strategy is important for students for efficiency of answers - but it's not a reflection of intelligence.
I enjoyed this workshop as the presentation was engaging, interesting and I walked away with some useful strategies to try out.
Building thinking and mathematic capabilities through coding in the primary school
Leamington School
General skills being developed when engaging in coding activities.
Coding presented an authentic learning opportunity to learn about positional language, instructions and shape (geometry)
Apps: Scratch Jr, Daisy the Dinosaur, Pyonkee (All three available on ipads)

Lightbot used to cover basic introductory elements of coding.
Core school values and SAMR model underpinned focus on coding strategy pathway. Juniors spent time outside focusing on positional language and direction before looking at coding language.
App called Tickle used to control robots. Use knowledge of Pyonkee to code robots to make shapes. Used Ollie/Sphero. Activities involved problem solving, thinking and communicating.
Daisy the Dinosaur and Scratch Jr - used by Junior school children. Over time, completed basic challenges with a partner. Used whiteboards to model drawing the shape/letter. Success Criteria used. Taught how to provide effective peer feedback.
Discovered that there was a huge shift in knowledge after children experienced coding activities.
App was created to record children using ipad. Then they analysed thinking skills data. Studio code programme.
Learning to code was the vehicle, but they were interested in evaluating which thinking skills were being developed. Weighting against higher order thinking was significant. Coding activity was an excellent environment for teaching and allowing children to think. Great to work in pairs or in threes (for communication, reinforcing skills and knowledge, and thinking)
Next step - Robotics, Java scripting etc
Great workshop with some interesting ideas of how to use it in the classroom and evidence to back it up.
Karen Spencer - Final Keynote Speaker
'Beyond the echo chamber: The extraordinary possibilities of a networked profession'

Praxis makes perfect - weaving and intertwining of ideas.
Methods that we adopt for our craft is important for teaching. Professional learning today is driven by teachers.
'A Key Note' - is the one that sets the tone for a song
Teachers make the biggest difference
Conversations with our students are important to check that if we are adding value to their understanding and learning.
Hold the line - trial something first to see if your student or community needs it. Before trialling anything do 3 things: find the most urgent area that students need most, see the story behind the data, embrace discomfort. 'Hold our ideas lightly'.
Teachers are constantly designing solutions to educational problems.
NZ curriculum document is great starting point to identify areas of need.
A future focused vision: inclusion of disabled
Pause before you leap into the next innovation - look for the need.
Maori students voices - gathered on the marae though safety net of tikanga and protocol.
Treat student voices like art.
We only see things through our own biases. Teachers have different perceptions, perspectives and experiences. We need to embrace discomfort. Teachers make a lot of assumptions about what constitutes good teaching. We can't assume what people need.
How to include diverse views in school. Role is to keep the fear off the set (John Cusack Rule). Celebrate diversity. We need to acknowledge differences.
What is research likely to say? Look for evidence/proof that new idea is working before trialling something new.
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