Wednesday, 23 November 2016

SPARK MIT Presentation 2016 and Inquiry Findings

Inquiry Findings 2016 from SchoolTV on Vimeo.

This movie is about my SPARK MIT inquiry this year. It was based on the question: How to use film to improve writing achievements for students? I presented my inquiry at this years Manaiakalani Hui, ULearn (Rotorua) and at one of our staff meetings.

The movie also shares some results from the easTTle writing data. It was great to see that many students made shifts well above the expected national shift in writing.


  1. Thank you for sharing this. We are looking at using digital tools to improve writing and appreciate the way you have done so and shared your data to show how it is working.

  2. Hi Allanah

    Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I hope that my inquiry around using film to improve writing skills for students is helpful.

    Kind regards

