Friday, 27 March 2020

Target Group for Inquiry Term 1 Results

10 out of 42 students in the Year 5-8 Extension group achieved at Stanine 5 or at Stanine 4 in the Term 1 Reading PAT Test. That’s quite a large number, but this might be due to the fact that there are now 21 students in each of the Extension groups instead of the usual 18. The three Year 5 students identified are new to Extension. The others have been part of the Extension group for a while now. 8 out of the 10 students achieved at Stanine 4. 

The Goal for this group of students is to achieve at a Stanine 6 or above in the next PAT Reading Test in Oct/Nov 2020.

Friday, 13 March 2020

Collaborative Inquiry - Term 1 Reflection

My inquiry this year is to focus on the students in the extension group who are achieving 'At' or 'Below Average' in the PAT Reading tests. The overall goal is to accelerate the achievement of students in literacy as well as to improve their critical thinking skills.