Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Manaiakalani Create Staff Meeting 2020

Yesterday teachers and staff from the Manaiakalani Cluster of schools attended workshops at Tamaki College. The focus was on the 'Create' part of our Learn, Create, Share pedagogy. 

Naomi Rosedale (from Woolf Fisher Research) opened the meeting with an interesting presentation around student design for learning. Apparently slide presentations are used far too often as DLOs (Digital Learning Objects) but there are opportunities to amplify learning through the use of this medium if used effectively. Screencasts could be used more widely in subject areas other than maths. MAPIC was also an interesting concept that was introduced: Multi-modal mapping of ideas, Amplification, Personalisation, Interaction and Coherence. 

Teachers were then able to attend two workshops based around the idea of create to learn. Andrea Tele'a and I presented one workshop based around PENN (our Pt England News Network). PENN is an in-house news programme produced by staff and students and has been broadcast throughout the school four days per week since 1988. It is an opportunity to develop presenting, scripting, movie making and movie production skills. 

The following movie showcases some of our talented teachers who attended our workshop. They did not have time to practice and were literally in front of the camera on arrival to the workshop. Thank you teachers!

I then attended an amazing workshop about how to use MineCraft on an ipad. Thanks to the teachers from Stonefields who led the workshop. 

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