Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Manaiakalani Reading Practice Intensive - Day 1

Focus for the day: Reading is Core to Learning


There were some good reminders of the kaupapa and pedagogy of the Manaiakalani reading programme. We looked at what makes a good reader. We were also reminded that effective teaching is important for accelerated learning. We need to know who our learners are and what their needs are. A class survey to find out informal information e.g. student interests is important as we tend to focus on what the data tells us e.g. reading age and PAT scores.

Reading Pillars of Practice: This exercise was useful. I identified areas where I needed to focus more on e.g. I need to spend more time planning for Vocabulary as well as Comprehension. I need to look at how I can engage whanau more, especially with the lower literacy group.

To be used with my learners: the class reading survey to check informal information about my students interests and attitudes towards reading etc. Establishing the ground rules for group talk was interesting. Something that I might do a little differently is to provide a little more student choice during reading sessions e.g. task selection.

What I intend to share with others: Whanau - encourage whanau to make reading a focus at home e.g. share learning goals. Colleagues - share information gained from reading practice intensive.


  1. Fakaaue lahi Sandy! Love what you've shared hear about your new learning today and your reflections. Yes to surveying your learners more to gauge their view on themselves and the classrooms we provide. No doubt you'll be picking up some gems from asking our learners about this area of development. Upcoming meet the teacher is another chance to talk reading with whanau. Looking forward to reading more of your journey in RPI! Go Mrs Lagitupu!

  2. Fakaalofa lahi atu kia koe Sandy!
    Thank you for sharing all your valuable reflections around "Reading is Core to Learning" and your contributions to our break out group. I am especially interested to chat further about building stronger, purposeful connections with whanau/aiga to enhance reading at home for learners (it's a practice area I am especially interested in at the moment).

    I'm really looking forward to your insights from the reading interest survey with your learners and what ideas they come up with in response to the findings. I do hope the Kakapo weekly task board is helpful to you (e.g. the Response to Text) activity in discussing learners' thoughts about why reading matters and what challenges/strengths they have as readers.

    Nga mihi, Naomi R.
