Monday 19 February 2024

COL (Community of Learning) 2024

COL Inquiry 2024

Welcome to my professional inquiry blog! This year I have the privilege of being a member of the Manaiakalani COL (Community of Learning) for 2024. Last week we had our first COL meeting for the year. It was an opportunity to meet all the other COL teachers in our cluster as well as the across-school COL leaders. When we were interviewed towards the end of 2023 for COL we were asked what our inquiry focus might be. We needed to relate it back to one of the 6 main goals of Manaiakalani as follows:

This year I have decided to select achievement challenge 3 which is to:
'Lift the achievement in Reading for all students, with a particular focus on boys and Māori students (both genders) years 1-13'

I have selected reading as my area of inquiry because most of the students in my literacy class of Year 7 & 8 students are reading below their age. I have 30 students in my literacy class. Their reading ages range from 5 years old (ESOL student) to 11 years old, so there is quite a range. The first part of our inquiry involves gathering data. This will enable us to form hunches around what the real issues are regarding our students learning needs. 

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