Google Forms
Using extra features - mixture of types of responses, validating,
Term 1 should be used for gathering evidence/data through surveys of kids
Great way to gather data
Can create different pathways for responses
Practiced creating and using a form
Google Sheets:
We looked at how to use the features of Google Sheets.
Student data. Deleting values from across sheet that are not needed. Put names in alphabetical order.
drag little blue box down to add sums for rest of column.
Can type =Sum(G2+J5+K8) and then press enter to select data from within spreadsheet.
Conditional formatting
Use ‘hide sheet’ function to hide private/sensitive information
Examples: Robyn Anderson - blog post, look at kids blogs especially Mele.
How to analyse data e.g. number of blog posts
Can get kids to analyse their own data from blog posts
Question why some months were more productive than others
Blog is part of ‘Share’ - reflections, movies, writing, DLO’s, screenshots of learning, experiences. Enables kids to demonstrates that they can finish things off
I have used Google forms, sheets and maps before, but today I learnt how to use the extra features to maximise my use of them. I felt that I got the most out of Google Sheets because I liked the task where we analysed the number of times that a student posted on their blog over a year and over several years. Then the teacher can pose questions for the student or the student can analyse the data and come up with their own explanations/answers.
Hi Sandy, the idea that students can analyse their own blogpost data using google sheets is a good one. This would encourage them to think about themselves as digital learners and question their digital footprints: Are they learning, creating and sharing enough or do they need to do more?