Team 4 is made up of Year 4, 5 & 6 students. There are mostly Year 5 & 6 students in our team. When I looked at the reading data for Team 4 I did not differentiate between the different year levels, I only looked at the actual reading ages across the team. After collating the data, I created a couple of graphs based on the overall reading ages of the students in Team 4.
The first two graphs show that we have a large number of students who have a reading age of 8 years old. There are quite a few students reading above the age of 8, but also quite a few reading below 8 years.
The next graph is a pie chart showing percentages of the different reading ages. I grouped the reading ages into 4 main groups:
* reading between 5.3 - 6.5 years
* reading between 7 - 8.5 years
* reading between 9 - 10.5 years
* reading between 11 - 12.5 years
The pie chart shows that:
* Less than 20% of students in Team 4 are reading above their age
* Around 20% of students in Team 4 are reading AT their age
* Just over quarter of students in Team 4 are reading Well Below their age
* 35% of students in Team 4 are reading Below their reading age
* Around 20% of students in Team 4 are reading AT their age
* Just over quarter of students in Team 4 are reading Well Below their age
* 35% of students in Team 4 are reading Below their reading age
This means that around 60% of students in Team 4 are reading Well Below or Below their expected reading age.
Having said that, I have not accounted for the actual age of each child, as we have a few in Year 4. But it is clear that we have a problem with reading in Team 4.
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