Friday, 24 February 2023

Inquiry Plan - Literacy Focus 2023


This year for my inquiry I want to continue to focus on literacy. I am concerned about the low reading levels of at least half my literacy class who are all in Year 6 this year. The reading levels range from 5 to 8 years. I want to focus on increasing student engagement in reading while improving reading levels and achievement in literacy. 

My Inquiry Question is: How can I raise students engagement and achievement in literacy?

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Manaiakalani Reading Practice Intensive - Day 1

Focus for the day: Reading is Core to Learning


There were some good reminders of the kaupapa and pedagogy of the Manaiakalani reading programme. We looked at what makes a good reader. We were also reminded that effective teaching is important for accelerated learning. We need to know who our learners are and what their needs are. A class survey to find out informal information e.g. student interests is important as we tend to focus on what the data tells us e.g. reading age and PAT scores.

Reading Pillars of Practice: This exercise was useful. I identified areas where I needed to focus more on e.g. I need to spend more time planning for Vocabulary as well as Comprehension. I need to look at how I can engage whanau more, especially with the lower literacy group.

To be used with my learners: the class reading survey to check informal information about my students interests and attitudes towards reading etc. Establishing the ground rules for group talk was interesting. Something that I might do a little differently is to provide a little more student choice during reading sessions e.g. task selection.

What I intend to share with others: Whanau - encourage whanau to make reading a focus at home e.g. share learning goals. Colleagues - share information gained from reading practice intensive.