This year the Bursts and Bubbles event was held at Panmure Bridge School. All COL members were required to present a 3 minute presentation about their inquiry. The following was my presentation:
I teach in a Year 7 & 8 class in Team 5 at Pt England school. My inquiry this year was focused on student engagement, vocabulary and extended discussion to help raise student achievement in reading.
I identified this as my focus when I noticed that many students struggled to stay on task during independent work time in literacy class. Many students lacked the ability to share their ideas clearly during group discussions. There was a lack of precise words and vocabulary being used in e-asTTle writing samples. Probe reading data also showed that the lack of student vocabulary knowledge was an issue.
To build a rich picture of my students’ learning I used PAT reading data, STAR Test data, running records, observations and surveys to gather information.The main patterns of student learning I identified in the profiling phase were that the students in my target group were reading between 8 to 9 years old. Most performed below or well below in the PAT reading, STAR and e-asTTle writing tests.
My profiling of my own teaching showed that I had strengths in planning for learning and in teaching writing skills. However, my students would likely make more progress if I focused on improving student engagement overall and provided more opportunities for extended discussion.
The changes I made in my teaching were:
- That students set weekly goals based around one aspect of their learning or behaviour. Surveys were completed each week to reflect on these goals.
- The seating arrangement was changed in an effort to maximise learning time and minimise distractions.
- More opportunities were provided to scaffold and support vocabulary development. I used literacy activities from the RPI workshops to help build student knowledge of a range of vocabulary and tier 2 words.
- Extended discussions were implemented more effectively during guided reading sessions.
The easiest thing for me to change was the classroom layout and seating arrangements. The benefits were instant.
The hardest thing for me to change was how to provide effective strategies to support students with behavioural challenges, to help them follow through on their goals, and to achieve greater independence and self-efficacy.
Some changes I made along the way were to:
- Make extended discussion more enjoyable for students by gamifying extended discussions
- Use an online programme called Vosaic to download videos of extended discussion sessions. Videos were analysed using tools on Vosaic to help identify key areas that worked well, in order to identify teaching strengths and weaknesses.
The most important learning I made about student engagement was that it’s so important to know who your students are and how they learn best, and to be more mindful of what I do as a teacher that makes a difference.
The most important learning I made about my inquiry was realising the importance of constantly making changes or tweaks to keep improving my teaching practice. A learning that would be relevant to other teachers is that using an online tool like Vosaic would make analysing data easier.
Thank you.