From Shakespeare to Star Wars – Coding and storytelling tools
Presenter: Brad Waid
During this presentation, Brad Waid shared many great apps for bringing learning to life for students through cool storytelling tools. He also shared some great sites for coding programmes.
Storytelling is a superpower that we all possess
Tools: books, tv, movies, commercials
Walt Disney - master storyteller
Dr Seuss, Stan Lee, George Lucas
Popular TV shows - we can relate to the characters, humour, scenery/location, drama, storyline,
Puppet Pals, Shadow Puppert Edu
Music is powerful to tell a story
Select a scene, characters
Story Bird
Zimmer Twins
Chatter Pix - animate and bring anything to life
Write Comics
Using tool is just a medium to show understanding. Can students apply what has been learnt/taught in another medium?
Marvel Comics
Touchcast Studio - can use with greenscreen
Morning announcements - students can do daily broadcasts
Book Creator - create ebooks
Canva - graphic design tool. Simpler version of photoshop.
Adobe Spark
Action Movie FX

Chromville - can colour in a character, scan and bring to life
Quiver and quiver education
Crayola Color Alive - bring characters to life
Tools can leverage power of technology to engage students
Atlas Trac Labs - programming robots
Kodable - Junior kids level
Tynker - using lines of code like Scratch
Pixel Press Floors - robust, free, students program and code with their hands first, draw own video game, symbols represent a piece of coding. Scan drawing and digitise drawing. Students can upload games for others to play.
Bloxels - 21st century programming - hands on and digital
Blocks of colour, dropped into board, scanned and then digitised. Can create characters, villains, kids create and then play.
Cospaces - year 4 up
Box island
Game froot
Piktochart similar to canva - year 5 up
Tale blazer
Explain everything
Pixar on a box
Kahoot - interactive quiz tool
See Saw app
This was a really cool presentation just to see what the most popular apps and programmes were being used for educational purposes.

This was a really cool presentation just to see what the most popular apps and programmes were being used for educational purposes.

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